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Pridružen/-a: 15.03. 2021, 10:00 Prispevkov: 28 Kraj: egypt
Objavljeno: 01 Jul 2021 18:14 Naslov sporočila: cleaning services IN DAMAM |
Dammam cleaning company
A cleaning company in Dammam that provides cleaning operations with the latest cleaning equipment, and performs steam cleaning and uses modern technologies, and the company performs distinguished services for its customers to remove all dirt and remove stains that are present on floors and walls, and it is a leading company in the field of services,
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Air conditioner cleaning company in Dammam
Air conditioners are one of the basic appliances in the home that needs regular maintenance and continuous cleaning, which makes the air conditioner work better and شركه تنظيف مكيفات بالدمام One of the leading companies in this field that operates with high capacity and quality and with a professional team, with high experience in dealing with all dirt and dust that hinder the work of the air conditioner.
Dammam sewage wiring company
The sewage problem in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the very bad problems that afflict individuals with diseases if proper measures are not taken to solve it. It is a problem related to poor drainage, especially in residential places, as well as in public interests, as well as in malls and commercial places
شركة تسليك مجاري الدمام Dammam sewage wiring company is one of the companies that has a distinctive set of modern tools and devices such as straws that are able to clear any blockage that may occur.
Insect control company in Dammam
The problem of insects is a problem that worries everyone, especially with the high temperature, especially in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where nature enjoys a high temperature in which many types of insects are widespread.
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A company specialized in providing all safe insecticides,The customer contact is quickly reached due to the customer service available in the company and the job is done as soon as possible. |
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